June 2014 "Explore your heart" Free Digital Calendar

Have you seen our latest DIY contributor post over on theprettyblog? We have a little freebie in store for all of our Ellieshoe and prettyblog readers.

We are heading fast and furiously towards the middle of the 2014 year already. I've been thinking that time these days seems to be flying past quicker than I can remember and all the small moments we have in each day added together are precious. 

Why not for the month of June let go of some of your fears, search and explore your heart and embrace the dreams you have for yourself and for your life. Take a few risks and walk outside of your comfort zone and who know's what might change for you by doing something a little different. 

We hope that this June Digital Wallpaper Calendar will inspire you and help you each day to "Explore Your Heart".

Download it for FREE by visiting our Elephantshoe Shoppe, simply add the wallpaper to your shopping bag, and follow the steps till you reach your checkout page. Enter the discount code EXPLORE YOUR HEART in the space provided. Next download your calendar at no charge and make it your June screensaver.

Remember to be yourself but always follow your dreams.

Beautiful photos in our post by our friends Blackframe Photography.

Love Sam 

from the "Elephant factory"